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How to arrive


From Udine and nearby

On the state highway 464 to Spilimbergo.
Form here continue in direction to Maniago, than change direction to Lestans and reach Travesio.

From Pordenone

Follow the freeway Cimpello-Sequals, the directly continuation of highway A28 from Portogruaro that lead to Sequals and than reach Tarvesio

From Pordenone’s nearby

Following the state highway 251 arriving in Maniago, continue to est and turn in the state highway 464, and reach Travesio.

Dalla Carnia

From Ampezzo cross state highway 252, go through “Passo of Monte Rest” and enter in the high Tramontina Valley, go on to Meduno and arrive to Toppo di Travesio.

From Tolmezzo through Verzegnis and Sella Chianzutan reach Val ‘Arzino, go on to Pinzano al Tagliamento and continue to Lestans and than reach Travesio